18 January 2010

Senata Fox + Brivido (Split)

Senata Fox + Brivido (split 7''), 2009

Sumoggu Records, 2009

(09 tracks, 9 min, Off.DNL~Mp3@320kbps, 22MB)

'About Senata Fox:
Senata Fox was formed in 1999. First intention was to rip off as many past and conteporary hardcore punk bands from all around the globe and add a bit of personal touch, all that with purpose of expressing anger and frustrations caused by the modern life. Today, 8 years later, after one european tour, couple of minor line-up changes, few releases and countless shows, things still remain the same. The band is used as an outlet for all the rage, sorrow and bitterness, as well as a mean to express feelings and ideas. Senata Fox is being both serious and fun at the same time, using irony and sarcasm to provoke and tease other peoples minds. Lyrics about life, nature, relationships, politics, human and animal rights are accompanied with fast and thrashy hardcore/punk music. This nice bunch of bearded vegans and vegetarians is, or was, involved in HC/punk/independent community through various bands (Panaceja, Amok, Drotweiller, Lunar, Nikad, Razlog Za, 5 Minutes To Steve...) and activities (zines, labels, booking...). Discography of the band includes the split tape with serbian grindcore band No Abuse (released through Good Samaritan and Libber Tea), split 7" with Unison (also from Serbia, released through Good Samaritan) as well as the split LP with croatian anarcho crust legends AK-47 (released through five different labels). A kind-of-discography CD with all previously released recordings as well as 10 new and 2 unreleased songs (total of 41 songs + 9 live video tracks) is out now on Moonlee Records. Senata Fox is and always will be a part of the international DIY conspiracy... Word.'
from: SENATA FOX MySpace.

BRIVIDO is a band from Rijeka existing since 2006. Their side of the split is my favorite.
Fast Hardcore with influences in crustcore and powerviolence..

This split is flavor of the year09 from Croatian hardcore for sure. Greatly produced and packed into nice looking 7inch. It's also first release from Sumoggu records/distro. The bands offered it as a free download, BUT if you have few euros to spare, don't hesitate to pick up this split!
Get it direct at  Sumoggu- sumoggu@gmail.com,  Moonlee Records in Slovenia or at the SHOWs!
(Don't miss Brivido in Koper on 22nd of February 010 with Ljubiša Samardžić and Devastated)

14 January 2010

Provincijsky - Malo nas je ali smo govna

Provincijsky - Malo nas je ali smo govna, 2008

diy; AKC Klet, 2008
street punk

(09 tracks, 30 min, CD~Audiograbber~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 74MB)

Provincijsky from Ljubljana slaps your face with street punk
Balkan reggae variations and instrumental parts.
Straight to your face lyrics. Don't forget to buy booze!

Support and contact at: Provincijsky


11 January 2010

Indust-Bag - Brez provokacij

Indust-Bag - Brez provokacij, 1998

Panika Records, 1998
Rock/garage r'n'r/punkrock

(14 tracks, 54 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 123MB)

Old legendary slovenian punk/new wave, and later more rock band, from Metlika started in 1979 when punk was in its full swing in that time Yugoslavia.
First bigger concert was at Novi Rock '81 in Ljubljana.
Indust-Bag toured all larger Yugoslavia cities and had been well known band all over the federation, thanks to appearance on legendary compilation 'Lepo je..' and 'Najbolji uživo iz Subotice' - festival compilation LP.
In '87 FV released their first cassette 'V obdobju zločina' and in '89 'V dolini resnic'.
In 1991 they also self released a CD called 'Nova Leta'.
Than band sized to exist fom 1993-96.
After 1996 it re-forms as trio and puts out two more albums: 1998 - 'Brez provokacij' and
2000 - 'Nikoli preveč'.
Last public appearance was 2001 unplugged gig at Izštekani on national radio.

This album is closer to Rock/r'n'r with garage influence, than punk.
Music on this album is similar to other slovenian R'n'R legends: Res Nullius.

'Brez provokacije' - ( 'No Provocation' ) was recorded as live session, and great sound plus fluent song performance only proves how quality musicians and old school-experienced bunch of dudes Indust-Bag was. The only downthumb could be a bit monotone songs for 'not so short' album.

Indust-Bag MySpace


Raz-Plaz - Šljaken Zi Bitte

Raz-Plaz - Šljaken Zi Bitte, 1997

Shlyack CoRecords, 1997
punk Hc/grind..

(10 tracks, 15 min, 7'Vinyl~?~iTunes7.7~Mp3@320kbps, 37MB)

Well.., this 7inch is for those that can bare crazy grind and other ear destroyers.
Total chaos captured in punkHC rhythm.
This was recorded during 1996-97 in Prlekija region.
Boys from Ljutomer sure knew how to have fun and create crazy noise with message. They performed live under name Š.Z.B. and this are probably their only official recordings, captured in plastic.
Listening on your own risk ;)

Thanks to original ripper (with fancy usb turntable) at: http://rocktube.info



05 January 2010

VA - City of...

VA - City of..., 1999

When the day comes; Choose life records, 1999
Metal-emo Hc/sfHC/osHC/screamo/Punk

(33 tracks, 63 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 122MB)

Four way split of bands that were coming from Nova Gorica and Ajdovčina area.
City of is a journey from Metal HC, screamo to more old school and straight forward Hardcore and Punk.
The only band still kicking around is Entreat.

Breaking the lack of interest for free-minded, diy cultural interference and
free-time gathering with these kind of split projects, occurs very rarely todays.

Band members in that time were:

ENTREAT: Rok, Miloš, Patrik, Matjaž, Valter
LOW PUCH: David - drums, Ivo - bass, Dejan - vocal, Radovan - guitar
MAN IN THE SHADOW: Miran, Marko, Sašo, Jan
STRAIGHTFORWARD: Nenad - vocals, Matej - drums, Boštjan - bass, Sebastjan - guitar

Read about the project City of ... CD - 1/2, 2/2


04 January 2010

VA - Drobtinice upanja

VA - Drobtinice upanja, 1994

SLO / I / BEL / USA / FIN / UK / AUS / ICE
Nuclear Sun PUNK, 1994
Punk/alt. Rock/other

(20 tracks, 64 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 150MB)

This was a benefit project (translated: Crumbs of Hope) from the Nuclear Sun Punk movement, to raise some money to help children of Bosnia war refuges.
20 bands from 8 countries contributed songs for this project.
Music is mostly punk with some thrash, grind and rock songs from underground bands.
Most recognizable bands are Youth Brigade (USA) and Nations On Fire (BEL).

Tracklist (click to maximize):

14 December 2009

VA - Rokerji pojejo pesnike 5

VA - Rokerji pojejo pesnike 5, 2009

SubKULTURNI Azil; MKC Maribor, 2009

(23 tracks, 71 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 158MB)

'Rokerji so prvič zapeli pesnike leta 1996 na radiu MARŠ, ki sem ga v tistem času vodil. Kakšni dve leti pred tem sem v avstrijskem Gradcu sodeloval pri podobnem projektu The Blind Gave To The Naked, h kateremu me je povabil odličen avtor in takrat pevec pri skupini Pure Laine Georg Altziebler, sedaj gonilna sila skupine Son Of The Velvet Rat. S pobudo o sodelovanju rokerjev in pesnikov sem se obrnil na takratnega urednika literarne sekcije MKC Maribor, Tomaža Brenka, ki me je za prve Rokerje, ki so peli pesnike, povezal s sodelujočimi pesniki. Žal se posnetki iz prvega obdobja in oddaje v živo na radiu niso ohranili. Projekt sem nadaljeval konec devetdesetih v MKC Maribor, literarno uredništvo projekta je prevzela Petra Kolmančič, kasneje pa tudi Nino Flisar. Organiziral sem nekaj odlično obiskanih prireditev Rokerji pojejo pesnike. V Štuku smo celo posneli CD Rokerji pojejo pesnike v živo. Rokerji in pesniki so se na prireditvah družili in razvilo se je pravo gibanje Rokerji pojejo pesnike. Sodelujoči rokerji so v tem obdobju ustvarili mnoge odlične glasbene stvaritve na podlagi poezije sodelujočih pesnikov. Na kar nekaj karier sodelujočih skupin je projekt imel velik in usoden vpliv. Skupina Kvinton je sodelovala na vseh CD kompilacijah, ki so do sedaj izžle. Pripravlja tudi samostojni CD, ki izhaja iz naše skupne zgodbe s pesnikom Borutom Gombačem. Z vsemi skupinami in posamezniki, ki sodelujejo na pričujoči kompilaciji, sem prav na poseben način povezan in izvajamo tudi druge skupne projekte.
Letošnje leto je za projekt Rokerji pojejo pesnike prelomno. Ne le, da se je vzpostavila spletna stran, ampak se je projekt razširil na vso Slovenijo. V njem sodeluje več glasbenih skupin in več pesnikov kot kadarkoli prej, blizu 200 pesnikov in glasbenikov. Krona projekta je prav kompilacijska zgoščenka 'ROKERJI POJEJO PESNIKE 5', ki je pri tolikšnem številu sodelujočih skupin prav gotovo tudi svojevrsten pregled scene v Sloveniji v letu 2009. Letos bo koncert Rokerji pojejo pesnike posnela tudi mariborska televizija RTS in preko njihovega programa bo poezija, ki so jo uglasbili rokerji, segla v marsikateri slovenski dom.
Dobili smo odlične avtorske pesmi, veliko novih povezav med glasbeniki in pesniki, ustvarilo se je veliko novih znanstev, ki bodo v naslednjem desetletju prinašala nove in umetniške stvaritve. Glasbeniki in pesniki, zahvaljujem se vam za sodelovanje pri projektu. Tudi letos je bilo posebno doživetje in veselje sodelovati z vami!'

Dušan Hedl

To sum up Dušan's words in few sentences. This is a project of Slovenian rock bands and poets, joining forces to make new and original songs. The project was initiated by Dušan Hedl (CZD) back in 1996, live on radio MARŠ. Bands and poets grew a special relations and bonds over the years and the result of that is also fifth compilation of this project 'Rockers singing poets'. The Rockers singing poets project group consists of near 200 musicians and poets. This years project was also performed and recorded live on RTS television in Maribor and the compilation CD including bands from all parts of Slovenia is also a nice overview of present Slovenian Punk-Rock and solo artists.

I think this is a great project that gave birth to even greater songs and my speakers are glad to play new Muškat Hamburg songs and also other bands. If I would be cocky enough to rate CDs, I would give this 5/5.
Be sure to check some project related sites and if you have the chance buy it, you will get great music and lyrics included!


Order or get info: rokerjpp@gmail.com, info@mkc.si

Thanks to Dušan Hedl you can hear this. HVALA

03 December 2009

IN-SANE - Trust these hands... are worthless

IN-SANE - Trust these hands... are worthless, 2009

MoonLee Records, 2009
Punk rock/HC

(12 tracks, 33 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 78MB)

After some years we finally awaited the second album from the hands of IN-SANE. Trio that executed numerous shows from their debut 'Keeping Ourselves Close To Our Hearts' and improved with this album in all directions. They even included the Fat Nuns song Mrtev policaj (dead cop), that sounds great and contributes greatly to the tracklist.
Songs are more stable to be honest and that goes for lyrics and music it self than on debut cd.

The didjeridu intro is just awesome and the album continues pretty much in this manner to the end. I would maybe end the album with the 'Amplify the words' and put the instrumental last song as hidden track..

This album is great achievement in Slovenian punk rock space. You will not regret buying it.
So GET it at MoonLee Records, Storm Inside distro or maybe direct from the band at their MySpace.
Every support counts!

01 December 2009

SODN DAN - Sodn dan

SODN DAN - Sodn dan, 2002

diy, 2002

(15 tracks, 31 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 47MB)

Band coming from Železniki is musically leaning on bands like Discharge, MOB 47, Driller Killer, E.N.T. ... Lyrics are anarchistic and critical to society anomalies like fascistic ideas and race for material wealth...

The band released this CD in a diy style, They also have a split LP with Bolesno Grinje from Pula, Croatia.
If you are not scared of a non radio-friendly bands, this one you have to check out.

You can still get the CD and split LP by contacting: sodndan@gmail.com

24 November 2009

Kill The Routine - Kill The Routine

Kill The Routine - Kill The Routine

When The Day Comes Records, 2001-04?
Metalcore/(emo) Hc

(11 tracks, 38 min, Cassette~MICin~GTpro~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 86MB)

Great hardcore or better said metalcore from Vrhnika. Not sure if and what else Kill the routine recorded, than this tape. Worth checking out.
You might still get the tape at Storm Inside distro and is definitely worth that 2coffees price.
At least you will get a better sound than from these mp3s that have some back.g. noise..sry


17 November 2009

The Love Typewriter - The Love Typewriter

The Love TypeWriter - S/T, 2001

EKO*RDS, 2001
Indie rock/emo

(08 tracks, 27 min, Cassette~MICin~GTpro~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 65MB)

01 - Sunday Morning
02 - Kenzo
03 - Bitter Mint
04 - Regret
05 - Down to You
06 - Reveal
07 - Indie-D
08 - ...To Your Love...

Emotional indie rock from Ajdovščina. Packed into 8 song cassette, music varies from slow indie to punkish rock  inserts.  Members later went to form Real Life Version and Harry.
Wait for the first snow and..

.. Download

04 November 2009

Gottschee - Malo resnice

Gottschee - Malo resnice 7'', 1991

Front Rock, 1991
Heavy Metal / (Punk)

(04 tracks, 20 min, 7''Vinyl~Audacity~FLAC~wav~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 47MB)

A1 Tocata v D-duru za bas in orkester
A2 Malo resnice
B1 3. bojevniki preteklosti
B2 Abadon No2

This is Front Rock 007 release and is probably my favorite FR band, but I also
don't know anything about them, because I was only 7 years old when this 7inch came out :P

The sound is a mix between heavy metal and punk tempo attitude.
Songs base more on instrumental concept though.
According to this four tracks, Gottschee was very quality band. I don't know what happened to them and if there are some other recordings left.
There exists a Gottschee lyrics - written by Robert Burnič, collection book released also in 1991.
Well, if you have some other information, let me know.


21 October 2009

Kennybal Smith - Small actions - big reactions

Kennybal Smith - Small actions - big reactions, 2007

KBS records, 2007
Punk, melodic HC

(13 tracks, 34 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 116MB)

Cuz I'm lazy and a bit sick atm., here is a nice copy/paste of KS bio written by the band at MySpace.
It doesn't get more accurate than this:

''Arised in 2003 by a few punk-rock/HC lovers fortunate enough to bump into each other. Survived to the first-years must members alterations, Kennybal Smith is nowadays a four-piece family, united as one against bad days, bad mood, dishonesty and all the spoiled currents.

It is hard to find a moment in our lives that can be compared with moments lived behind the rehearsal place's walls and on stage. Sour sweat droplets on the face hands and chest constantly dropping on the floor, soaked shirt, deep breathing. And while loud shouts calm the restless feelings inside, the guitar riffs carve the joy into our hearts. It's simple but meaningful. We love it so much. We have so much fun. This is what we call freedom. And this is why we keep going on. Music itself keeps us going on, as a band, and in life too.

In our short history we have had the great opportunity to play with a few bands that we love and admire so much: Lagwagon (USA), Burning Heads (Fra), The Real McKenzies (Can), Al and the black cats (USA), The Capaces (Spa), Elvis Jackson (Slo), Golliwog (Slo), In-Sane (Slo), Evenrain (Slo). We played also with other great bands like : Mad Caddies (USA), Pepper (USA), Break the Silence (USA), BeerBong (I), Fat prezident (Cro), Amanda Woodward (Fra) to name a few. All the experiences were great and unique. Our debut album "Small actions-Big reactions" was released on December 14th 2007 and we are finishing up songs for the new one. See you around.''

This is one of the best punk-rock albums from Slovenia  for sure. The songs are different and quality enough to keep the CD in your player longer than just first time. Kennybal Smith show great amount of talent and including musical guests was also a great idea.
KS take you from melodic singalongs and guitar solos, leaning on strong lyrical backbone, to almost epic conclusion of the album with the song Stolen Childhood in fat 30 minutes.

You don't have it yet? GET IT! - kennybalsmith@gmail.com
Kennybal Smith MySpace.

12 October 2009

Man In The Shadow - discography CD

Man In The Shadow - discography CD, 2001

Choose Life Records, 2001

(16 tracks, 45 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 116MB)

Man in the shadow was one of few bands in Slovenia that put the lyrics and ideas behind them above musical manifest. You can find all of MITS lyrics and explanations for them, in English and Slovene, included with their albums. That is very cool and makes their legacy even stronger. Musically Man in the shadow takes you to all sorts of fields, from angry crust echo, to emo 'upgraded' punk-hc.

They released two 7inch albums: Self titled, 1997 and Pax Americana, 1999.
And in 2001 also self titled, discography CD at Choose Life Records.
All releases are 'equipped' with lyrics and explanations about ideas that they stand behind as the band and as individuals Not to mention nicely album designed covers and inlays. Thumbs up for that!

This discography CD is still available by contacting band member Miran at MOONLEE Records. A must have 4 sure.


Fire Team Charlie - ... And Everything Will Be Undone

Fire Team Charlie - ...And Everything Will Be Undone 10'', 2008

USA (Texas)
Adagio 830, 2008
Screamo - post HC

(05 tracks, 19 min, 10'' Vinyl~Audacity~Lame~Mp3@V0, 40MB)

Texas screamo HC band was active only from 2005-09.
They released:  Demo cd 2005, Damezumari/Fire Team Charlie split lp 2007, End Of A Year/Fire Team Charlie split 7" 2007, Fire Team Charlie 7" 2007 and ...and Everything Will Be Undone 10" 2008.

This last release is probably the best one from them, but all of their music is worth of checking out.
I got hooked on FTC pretty fast. This 10'' was printed 400 on black and 100 on silver (pre order edition).
It is still available HERE.
If you like, grab some still available copies from their discography at FTC MySpace site.

09 October 2009

Low Value - The language of stolen music

Low Value - The language of stolen music, 2005 
self released, October 2005 

Melodic PunkRock (12 tracks, 35 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 72MB) 

So here you have four years old album from Maribors Low Value. The band started playing in 2000 and is active till today (with some member changes). The 2005 The language of stolen music is probably the peak of their music path till now. First it was released by the band till 2006 when boys signed for Japanese label: CR Japan Inyaface. But their discography will expand early next year (2010) with their second album called RECHARGE, released by High Speed Flower records also based in Japan. So be expecting more melodic punk rock tunes from this band very soon! And in the mean time, taste their debut album. It features 11 melodic punkrock songs, varying from fast energetic parts as heard from 90s melodic bands to some almost ballade parts, plus a bonus song that is actually not a song and could be easily left out. All in all this album is a nice contribution to Slovenian punk scene, but I am sure we can expect much more from the announced second album, as the band was maybe searching for their place and sound with this one, and sometimes I feel they went too far looking for melodies that made Fat Wreck Chords so popular in 90s. But who am I to say? This is sympathic music release with cool CD design. Be sure to check bands detailed BIO on Low Value MySpace, where you can still get this album for a fair price! Or just order it from Interpunk

02 October 2009

NčOdNč - Izlet v neznano


NčOdNč - Izlet v neznano, 2009 
NČODNČ, September 2009 

Punk/HC/Metal/Hard Rock (16 tracks, 34 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 72MB) 

 This is the first album from NčOdNč. It was released just few weeks ago. Lot of concert experiences and I guess love for music logically led to the release of this album. The band mixes all sorts of genres, I would be closest if I say this is a nice Hard Rock album with Punk energy generating it. Lyrics are all in Slovene and almost constructivist, so they do let more interpretations possible. You should support NČODNČ since this is cool Slovenian rock that doesn’t come along very often. Buy this CD or T-shirt. Contact the band at NčOdNč MySpace or email: ncodnc@gmail.com 

29 September 2009

VA - SLOcompAnia

VA - SLOcompAnia, 2001
KUD Zid na meji, 2001

Punk/r'n'r/hard rock/alt.
(24 tracks, 64 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 67MB)

 This is a compilation CD back from 2001. Bands featured are mostly orbiting Maribor - Graz releation. It was released by: KUD Zid na meji from Slovenia with cooperation with Austrian youth organization: Jugend- & Kulturzentrum and funded by Phare program and other local and state institutions. Bands: Austria: Rodriguez, Anti Maniax, Barracuda (?slo?), Springy PinestiX. Slovenia: CZD, Dr. Zero, Caddies, Pridigarji, Živi zid, Opus Hey, Wreck, Blutwurst.

28 September 2009

G.U.B. - Nikad pankera od nas

Gužva U Bajt - Nikad pankera od nas, 2009 Slovenia BUM records, 2009 Street Punk (11 tracks, 28 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 67MB) Gužva U Bajt striked earlier this year with second release after Demo from 2005. 'Nikad Pankera od nas' brings Slovenian street punk back to life once again. Lyrics are critical and everyday views of life and surrounding events. Read them here. (Sound)System kicking punk from Ljubljana is waiting for you for 5€/CD. Get it from BUM Records or from the band at MySpace. Download

22 September 2009

Ženevski Dekret (Geneve Decree) - 10 Godina (10 Years)

Ženevski Dekret - 10 Godina, 1997 Bosnia unreleased Punk/Hc (12 tracks, 41 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 68MB) Ženevski Dekret formed in Mostar - Bosnia in 1984, playing trash HC Punk under influence of Finish HC bands of that time. Their first album called "MOSTAR" was recorded in Slovenia in '87. After the debut release their singer left because of personal differences. In 1988 their second full length was recorded with new singer in Sarajevo, called "DONT WANNA BE A PART OF FUCKIN' MASS", including some wider specter of punk/hc/r'n'r styles. They've been one of more influential bands in that time Yugoslavia, played alot of shows and appeared on various compilations (Čudeža nebo CASS, Naša četica koraka CASS, The Return of Yugoslavia LP, High Road To Obscurity CD, No Border Jam 4&5 CD, Ni Strahu VHS...) In 1996 three members met by coincidence in Sweden, where they moved to. And in March 1997 they recorded 10 Godina (10 Years) album with new guitarist, that was never officialy released. (The rumor is it was supposed to be released by Slovenian Front Rock Records from Maribor.) In 1998/99 they played few shows and than band members moved to other projects. In 2006 they announced a reunion with new album to come out "THE BEST OF"(1985-2006) with remastered songs from the past and some new ones. I believe it was also never officially released. In January 2007 their dear friend and original lead guitarist Djoko passed away, which was a very sad experience for the band and after that they decided to take break with Geneve Decree. Ženevski Dekret MySpace Download

12 September 2009

Rights Reserved

Rights Reserved - Rights Reserved, 1996 USA (North Carolina) Assorted Porkchops, 1996 Punk/Hc/emo (10 tracks, 24 min, 12''~?~?~Mp3@192kbps, 34MB) This is RRs first and last full lenhgt. It varies from emo to almost popy punk parts. Song rhytmics and technical, but melodical integrety of this album, makes it one of the most interesting Emo-Hc records from 90s. Oh, and not to forget Rights Reserved had one of the best F-male singers in punk rock.. Out of print, 700 pressed. Download Rights Reserved + Assfactor 4 - Under water and hatin' it (split), 1993 USA (North Carolina) Punk lunch tunes and food, 1993 Punk/Hc/emo (03 tracks, 10 min, 7''~?~Lame~Mp3@VBR, 18MB) Assfactor from South Carolina plays two* chaotic hardcore songs, that remind on clasic 80s HC. But Assfactor play them with just a little more intelligent approach especially considering music structure and execution in studio. (* joined in one track) Rights Reserved play also two songs when first one 'Hey Dad' is slower, with bass line taking the lead role, keeping the song together. Second song 'Persimmon' is melodic but pissed faster garage, punk. Download Rights Reserved - Galleons lap 7'', 1993 USA (North Carolina) La Cocina Records; Rights Reserved, 1993 Punk/Rock (04 tracks, 17 min, 7''~?~Lame~OGG@VBR, 33MB) Rights Reserved on this earlier material play probably the most unique project for them. Four songs take you from fast melodic punk to almost mainstream rock with 'high school freedom' feeling. (I've taken this from great 90hc/emo blog: Antithesis.) Download


Eagle Bravo - 1 sided 12" (8 Three Dimension Full Stereo Songs), 1998 USA (North Carolina) Gridsector; Asorted Pork Chops, 1998* Screamo/Hc (08 tracks, 18min, 12''~?~?~Mp3@160kbps, 20MB) Tracklist: Radar Detector Detector Detector Iron Rod VS. The Chevy Summa' Jams 35, 45, Whatever You Said It, Chairman Robotman Today Is Broken Louse Members of Rights reserved, El sucio played together on this Eagle Bravo project. They split before completing the album. So there was material for only half of 12''vinyl. It was supposed to be released at Assorted porkchops records, but was released after a while at Gridsector records. The 12'' is printed in 700 copies. Bass and guitar lines with this 8 tracks, show the potential Eagle Bravo band had. Defenetley worth of checking for al Hc fans and explorers. There is even a fan Eagle Bravo MySpace page, where you can pre-listen few tracks. *Folder and files are tagged as 1996, but the album dates in 1998. Sorry for that. Download * 2.2.2009 post update: Eagle Bravo - The Kids Are Not Allright 7'', 1996 USA (North Carolina) Crunchy Music Records, 1996 Screamo/Hc (03 tracks, 11min, 7''~?~?~Mp3@160kbps, 40MB) Tracklist: A1 Motivational Therapy A2 Robot Man B1 Not So Many - Fuck You Ms. Riley This is their 7'' that was recorded in 1995 in some store and so is the sound poorer than on '98 album. Only Robot Man, was re-recorded later. The music indicates where the band will go with he sound in their short time together. The sound and songs are way less perfected than on full length. Pretty rare stuff these days, but it looks like you can still buy it from Pig Zen Space online distro. You can alo get some older Emo/Hc downloads there. Each album costs 3,50$ and even if it is very out of date distro, it works! (tested with paypal). Download

11 September 2009

VA - UNTERHUND - Veselica v živo; 26.10.1996

UNTERHUND - Veselica v živo, 1997 Slovenia Front Rock, 1997 Punk/HC/Crust/Ska (17 tracks, 30 min, 12''Viny~?~?~Mp3@128, 43MB) This is a live compilation from Unterhund club in Ormož, Slovenia. KRISTUŠI that mix some raw street punk with trumpet and PPRIDIGARJI with more ska filled songs, are featured on A side. When B side is more crust HC like with NOISE ORDER and WASSERDICHT. This album brings you as close as possible, hearing these bands at their best times, playing pissed of punk and having fun doing it. All bands were formed in early 90s (Pridigarji - 1988. Wasserdich - 90, Noise Order - 94) and played pretty much underground scene home and also abroad. They all have bunch of various splits and albums, that are mostly sold out and hard to get. The only still active band till today are Pridigarji. You can pick some of their CDs at their shows or MySpace contact. I believe you can still get this on a plastic 12'' by contacting Subkulturni Azil. Download

06 September 2009

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - CZD

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - CZD The story of CZD – Center for Dehumanization begins in the late 1970’s and early 80's when its forming members Bojan Tomažič and Dušan Hedl were playing in bands Butli, Džumbus and Masaker. All of them together formed a closely connected scene which was centered around the club in Trate, at the same time functioning as one of the first punk clubs in this part of Europe (besides the FV in Ljubljana). Regular guests were people from Maribor as well as other parts of Slovenia and former Yugoslavia, mixed with guests from Austria, which was one of the reasons the band members and others were accused of espionage. Among other activities they published the Bla, bla, bla fanzine and in 1984, CZD was formed. Starting off as a trio, the band later appeared on the Novi rock festival in the former Yugoslavia. Dušan Hedl started his own record publishing business, at first for his own band CZD, and later on Front Rock and its vinyl release developed into a proper underground institution. CZD soon became a legend, with the help of their friends on the punk scene their first tape appeared on every possible punk consuming point across the globe. The band kept publishing records and touring Europe, and several books were published about the band and the club. In 2003 performed at the European capital of culture opening in Graz (Austria) and in 2004 at the Punk kongress in Kassel (Germany). The forming members Dušan and Bojan are also the founders of a punk singing choir called Punkapella (with Mike Pride), seated in New York. CZD offers an incredible story, and once becoming its part, there is no saving you. By listening to their work, you will invariably become a patient of the Center For Dehumanization. (David Mestrovsky – CZD patient) Taken from the: ''Prvi člen: The Constitution'' LP inlay Here is almost complete discography of this legendary, underground but still very influental and culturaly active band and movement called Center For Dehumanization. It is missing only ON THE RED SCREEN - 1994 7'' and POKOZLANE TRATE - 1996 CD. You can still get most of their music and shirts (and other Front Rock releases,) direct from Mr. Dušan Hedl by visiting SUBKULTURNI-AZIL page. Visit Subkulturni-azil page for more information, pictures, videos, discographys and more.. Or write to: subazil@mail.ljudmila.org

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Izdaja (mini LP)

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Izdaja (mini LP), 1989 Slovenia (Yug) Front Rock Punk (4 tracks, 15min, 7''Vinyl~?~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 35MB) Download

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Sovraživa vse, slovesov pa ne 7''

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Sovraživa vse, slovesov pa ne 7'', 1989 Slovenia (Yug) Front Rock, 1989 Punk (2 tracks, 9min, 7''Vinyl~?~?~Mp3@320kbps, 23MB) Download

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Ko se zabavam s teboj 7''

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Ko se zabavam s teboj 7'', 1990 Slovenia (Yug) Front Rock, 1990 Punk (4 tracks, 15min, 7''Vinyl~GTpro~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 31MB) Download

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Slepa Vera

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Slepa Vera, 1997 Slovenia Front Rock Punk (20 tracks, 48min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 115MB) Download

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Kupi gnoja

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Kupi gnoja, 1999 Slovenia Front Rock, 1999 Punk (26 tracks, 56min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 125MB) Download