29 October 2010

Anaeroba - Over the walls and borders

Anaeroba - Over the walls and borders, 2009

Mankind Disaster, 2009

(09 tracks, 30min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 73MB)

Anaerobina crustpunk mašina je zalaufala v začetku novega tisočletja. Po veliko live izkušnjah, posnetih live komadov in demotov ter tudi menjavi članov, je na vrsto prišlo snemanje pravega albuma, sicer bolj v demo maniri leta 2008. Ob dobrem masteringu pa so ti posnetki našli svojo pot na (mislim da) prvi pravi album 'Over the walls and borders'. Album je izdan na CDju in Lpju - na težki 180gramski, bordo rdeči, z črno zapacani vinilki.
Oba formata drvečega in močnega crustpunka si le omislite, z naročilom na Mankind Disaster distru!
Bolj obširna biografija pa se v branje ponuja na njihovem MySpace profilu.

Skratka hitra in razgibana simfonija hardcora z temačnim in močnim crust vokalom. Odlično za nabijanje v avtu pred kolosejem ali na parkirišču pred ambasado!


Ow yeah, the Slovenian crustpunk train gets a new dose of steam with this release.
The band formed back in 1999 with plenty of live experience and also band changes stays true to them selfs.
Nine tracks of raging punkcrust hardcore will not live you cold.
Read the bands full bio at their MySpace profile.

I should mention they have also had planned a live split with Tragedy back in 2001, but sadly the recordings got stolen when some lowlife broke in to the club where they were stored...

Be sure to get the album as CD or 180g colored vinyl (with different back side art) at their home distro - Mankind Disaster!


08 October 2010

GOLLIWOG kinder surprise pack


-More Than Meets D.I.Y. (2006) v 320kbps 44kHz mp3
-Plague Allegiance (2010) v 320 kbps 44kHz mp3
-vsa Plague Allegiance besedila v pdf
-cel Plague Allegiance booklet v pdf (samo text)
-cel Plague Allegiance CD_Data arhiv (anti-NWO flajerji, bannerji, dokumenti itd.)
-Golliwog Promo Pack (promo fotke, promo bannerji, golliwog biografija, golliwog hi-res logo, golliwog stage rider itd.)

+nekaj dodatnih pdf datotek za branje (kolumne, plan of consciousness, mayan calendar, 'tips&tricks', revolucija zavesti (v slovenščini)...)
+presenečenje: ni presenečenja!

Download 1 ali Download 2

16 September 2010

Lokalne Pizde - Slovenija

Lokalne Pizde - Slovenija?, 1998

Chaos Records (diy), 1998

(12 tracks, 24min, CDr~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 62MB)

Lokalne Pizde so celjska zasedba ustanovljena konec 80ih. Tole je najbrž edini izdan album izdan 1998.
Igrali so mešanico garažnega in oldschool punka in rock 'n' rola.
Na nedavno izdanem kompilacijskem CDju 'Pebi ne strelat - Celjska scena 1980-2000' so zastopani z komadom 'Jutro'.

Provokativna naslovnica in komad 'Pedri smrdijo' so bili baje takrat tudi predmet raznih polemik in zgražanj. Kasneje naj bi njihov član Pero zanikal homofobno konotacijo besedila in namignil na provokacijo v smislu kritiziranja večinskega mnenja in slovenske družba, kar so v bistvu tudi besedila ostalih komadov.

Dva člana, Pero Schmidt in Matjaž Naglič, pa sta danes člana banda Stranci.

Mimogrede, na cdju se komadi zvrstijo nekoliko drugače, kot so označeni na zadnji strani albuma.


Lokalne Pizde was a old school punk/garage band from Celje in Slovenia.
The band was formed in late 80's and was active till 1998.

The cover on the album showing politic in German nazi uniform and son 'Fags stink' raised a lot of controversy in time after release. In a recent interview one band member confirmed that it wasn't meant to be insulting and that it was a critic of general public views, as a mater of fact the whole album is.

Two band members now play in a band called Stranci.


07 September 2010

Leechfeast - Demo 2010

Leechfeast - Demo 2010

Diy, 2010

(02 tracks, 8min, ?~?~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 17MB)

Leechfeast so najnovejši slovenski crusterji, ki skupaj igrajo od letošnjega maja.
Band sestavljajo člani zasedb: Acrid Sunday, Growing Rats, Melete and ex-members of Anhelitus, What They Fear, Diecut, Efforts In Vain...
Posneli so 3 demo skladbe in kmalu se jim obetajo tudi krstni nastopi na odrih doma in v tujini.
Komade sem snel z bandcampa, kjer sta na voljo dva (od treh?). Zraven imate tudi besedili. Za stream in download pojdite na: http://leechfeast.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2010
Njihova stran pa se gosti na: http://leechfeast.blogspot.com/

Skratka zanimiva pridobitev na slovenski sceni. Ček em aut!


''Leechfeast is a new band with members of Acrid Sunday, Growing Rats, Melete and ex-members of Anhelitus, What They Fear, Diecut, Efforts In Vain, blablabla. We are five stinky crusties who like to play simple, slow and raw. Of course, it's never too loud and too noisy for us. The band exists since May and we managed to record 3 demo songs in July.''

Check out their stream and lyrics on bandcamp: http://leechfeast.bandcamp.com/album/demo-2010
and their main site:  http://leechfeast.blogspot.com/


29 August 2010

Pigs Parlament - It's time for sausages

Pigs Parlament - It's time for sausages, 2010

diy, 2010

(14 tracks, 38min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@192kbps, 53MB)

Evo na dovoljenje oz. prošnjo skupine objavljam najbolj svežo punk izdajo pri nas. Kot vedno, tudi tokrat apel na vas, da album kupite in tako podprete skupino!
Spodaj navajam še kratek opis oz. bio, kot ga je zapisala skupina sama.

''Pigs Parlament so 6 članska skupina, ki prihaja iz Goriških Brd — dežele opojnih trenutkov. Svojo glasbeno pot so začeli v začetku leta 2004. Skupina igra hitri punk rock z udarnim vokalom, ki ga spremljajo melodični backvokali. V njihovih pesmih najdete tudi ska vplive, ki so podkrepljeni s trobento ter udaren hardcore z ženskim vokalom. Za skupino je značilno, da se glavni vokali menjujejo iz pesmi v pesem. Njihov recept: Wine power!

Za seboj imajo že dva demo albuma in sicer iz leta 2004 in 2006. Leta 2009 so sodelovali tudi pri nastanku kompilacije Od Soče do Korna. Tako jim je končno, po 6 letih ustvarjanja, letos uspelo posneti in izdati prvenec »It's time for sausages«. Na albumu lahko najdete 14 zelo različnih skladb, med katerimi so tudi dve priredbi: Hej brigade in Let's twist again. Kot zanimivost, so pesem Hej brigade posneli v sodelovanju s pevskim zborom in malim orkestrom, kar pesem zelo popestri. Na cd-ju lahko opazite zelo različne stile glasbe; od regija, ska-ja, punka, hardcora do celo thrash in heavy metal vložkov. Kot zanimivost, so fantje in punca posneli tudi pesem u italijanskem jeziku. Nakup cd-ja vam zelo priporočamo.''


The freshest release on the Slovenian punkrock scene is the album you have in front.
I used the bands own description/bio. If you like it, please buy the CD. 

''Pigs parlament, a band of six members, was formed in the winter of 2004. Their homeland is a small and picturesque region in western Slovenia, called Goriška Brda, a land of (full of intoxicating moments/substances.
They play a quick and energetic punk rock with a strong main male vocal supported by melodic back vocals. In their songs is also possible to find ska influences supported by the melodic sound of the trumpet and energetic hardcore female vocal. One of the many characteristics of the band is the changing of the main vocal from song to song. Their recipe: Wine power!

They accomplished to produce two demo albums in 2004 and 2006. In 2009 the band took active part in the making of the compilation Od Soče do Korna (From Soča to Korn). In the end, in May 2010, the boys and girl managed to produce their first album “It’s time for sausages”. The content of the album consists of 14 very different songs, two of which are (arrangemenst/covers) adaptations; Hej brigade and Let’s twist again. The particularity of Hej brigade is the variegation to which contributed the collaboration with a smaller choir and orchestra. On the album is possible to feel many different genres of music: from ska to punk, hardcore and even thrash and heavy metal riffs. The boys and girl have also recorded a song in Italian. If you are eager to hear some quality punk rock music, we strongly recommend you the purchase of their new album.''

Pigs Parlament MySpace


24 August 2010

UNISON - Pearls Before Swine

Unison - Pearls before swine, 2009

HA-KO bastards , 2009

(05 tracks, 20min, CDr~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 45MB)

Unison je utečen in samosvoj hardcore band iz Beograda. Za seboj imajo že kar zavidljivo bero izdaj, samostojnih in dva splita (z/ Senata Fox, Analena).
Band odlikuje tudi očitno obvladanje inštrumentov, kar jim omogoča ustvarjanje edinstvenega in zelo razgibanega hardcore-punka, kateri prestopa tudi v post hardcore mojstrovine, kot naprimer v komadu 'In The Rear View'.

'Pearls before swine' je njihova aktualna izdaja, sicer posneta 2007, zapakirana v preprost, a simpatičen, diy papirnat žepek. Verjetno pa si lahko kmalu obetamo tudi kakšno novo izdajo, saj imajo na myspace strani kar nekaj novih komadov, ki jih seveda lahko tudi poslušate.

Kaj veliko drugega niti nevem, niti ni za reči, kot da gre za zelo zanimiv band z, na prostoru bivše yuge, redko slišanim načinom hardcoriranja. Vsekakor si zaslužijo vašo pozornosti in seveda še bolj, da v svojo zbirko uvrstite tudi kak njihov album!   


Unison is a band from Belgrade, Serbia. They are experienced and technically very strong band.
Their hardcore is of a kind, rarely to be heard here, in countries of ex Yugoslavia.
Many releases and splits testify that Unison is not just another hardcore band, but is worth checking out.

Their hardcore-punk that sometimes follows the way of post hardcore is unique and rich instrumentally.
You might not dig their way of expressing their music, but be sure to check them out, and if you like them buy one of their records released also on vinyl !



02 August 2010

Samo Za Dnar - Samo za dnar

SZD - Samo za dnar, 2010

Front Rock, 2010

(17 tracks, 40min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 96MB)

Samo za dnar obstajajo že 10 let. Njihov najnovejši projekt je album priredb skupine CZD.
A ne gre samo za klasične priredbe, saj so se fantje hoteli vživeti v komade same, vse od procesa nastajanja pesmi do preigravanja in odigravanja v studiu in v živo, z veliko mero približevanja originalu.
Gre za neko vrsto iluzije, saj bi površen poslušalec zlahka zatrdil da pesmi igrajo CZD.
Vseeno je čutiti majhno razliko, mogoče predvsem v rahlo bolj tekoče-punkrokovskim
in garažnim 'flovom' muzike.
Torej SZD so z tem albumom naredili redkost v glasbenem svetu. Na novo so posneli že obstoječe pesmi, s tem da jih praktično niso spreminjali. Ohranili so besedila, aranžmaje, ritme in inštrumentalno zastopanost.
Če so bili ti komadi prej striktno avtorska last CZD, so to zdaj (tudi) komadi skupine SZD?

recenzija na RockOnNet
SZD MySpace


SZD (Samo za dnar = Only for money) is a band existing for over 10 years. And they have strangely (but very intentionally and with cooperation with original authors) decided to record an album of songs that were already recorded by another group CZD.
The illusion is that songs are played almost the same as the original ones by CZD.
There is a bit different feel when you hear it, but someone that knows only CZD would easily claim this songs are played by CZD, but here he would be wrong.

So who do this songs now belong? Are they still songs from CZD or are the new authors SZD? Interesting concept that probably wasn't brought up before so intentionally, as it was with this project.


20 July 2010

Not The Same / Headstrong - split

Not The Same / Headstrong (split 7'')

Pancake Records, 1998
Punkrock/skate punk

(04 tracks, 11min, 7''~Sony IC recorder~Mp3@192kbps, 22MB)

Not The Same verjetno vsi poznate, če ne iz koncertov, pa verjetno zaradi takrat precej priljubljenega albuma 'Hate', kateri je eden prvih punk albumov, ki je pripeljal ameriški 90's melodični punkrock v domače loge.
Headstrong igrajo precej sorodno muziko, nevem pa če so še izdali še kaj razen tega splita.
'Without you' od NTS lahko slišite tudi na albumu 'Hate', 'Blackhole' pa je verjetno izdana samo na tem splitu.

(Kvaliteta tega ripa je malce šepava, zaradi moje 'vrhunske' opreme. Je pa ok za slišat kaj se skriva na temle na 321 kosov omejenem 7inču, če ste ga pač sfalili).


Not the same was one of first slovenian punkrock bands in 90's that followed at that time popular melodic punkrock and skate influenced punk as was heard from Epitaph and Fat Wreck bands.
Headstrong play something similar, but I think they never got to release a full length album like Not The Same did with 'Hate' in 1998. First track 'Without you' can also be found on the mentioned album, while 'Blackhole' wasn't released elsewhere but this split.
The 7'' was recorded way back in 1998 and printed in only 321 copies.

(The quality of the rip is a bit crappy, thanks to my lack of time and money to get a better equipment, but it will give you a taste what's locked on the clear green plastic).


14 July 2010

Golliwog - Plague Allegiance

Golliwog - Plague Allegiance, 2010

Chainsaw Records, 2010

(16 tracks, 34min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 86MB)

Golliwog so trenutno najbolj vroč slovenski punkrock/punk band. To sama po sebi potrjuje njihova kvaliteta in profesionalnost zadnjega (in tudi prejšnjega) albuma.
Plague Allegiance je super album, ki z vso častjo nasleduje prejšnjega (More than meets diy, iz leta 2006). Kolikor sem zasledil je album odlično sprejet tudi (ali predvsem?) izven Slovenije.
Band nadaljuje s hitrimi in melodičnimi komadi v stilu melodycore bandov iz 90ih.
Močno je zastopan tudi vpliv Nofx, vendar ne preveč moteče, saj njihovi komadi vseeno odzvenijo sveže.
Besedila se gibljejo od zafrkancije do opozarjanja na svetovno ureditev in celo skrivnostnih a očitno vplivnih (konspirativnih) organizacij in pojavov.

Definitvno priporočam nabavo tega albuma (najbolje kar direkt od banda), saj je gotovo ena boljših izdaj domače punkrock scene v zadnjih letih, sploh, če ste odrasli z melodičnim (skate komerc) punkom sredi 90ih.


Golliwog is one of the hottest Slovenian punkrock bands on the scene. Their f-male fronted fast and melodic punkrock is very well accepted all over the world, even though 90's are gone long time ago, this album will take you to the best years of that era melodycore.
After debut (1st real) album 'More than meets DIY' from 2006, this album is logical sequel of their sound.
How can you go wrong with 16 tracks of melodic punk with lyrics about world order and (secret) organizations?

Be sure to grab the CD that comes with thick booklet and cool designed digipak. I doubt you'll regret it.

BUY: Plague Allegiance (+ More than meets D.I.Y.)
Golliwog: MySpace


16 June 2010

Choke Up - Choke up

Choke Up - Choke up (Ep), 2010

USA, Massachusetts
TDB Records, 2010
melodic Punk/(screamo hc)/pop punk

(05 tracks, 16min, CD~?~Lame~Mp3@V2, 32MB)

Choke Up so precej nov band iz Bostona. Špilajo simpatčno mešanico sicer že velikokrat slišanih žanrov od pop punk melodij do hardcore in screamo delov. Mogoče res nič neverjetno novega, pa vseeno nekoliko drugače od poplave današnjih mainstream punk bandov, ki so vsi isti. Tako da priporočam poslušanje fanom Lawrence Arms, Title Fight, zgodnjih Against Me in celo suverenih Comadre.


Choke up is a band from Boston, Massachusetts . They bring you their first Ep with 5 songs. It's not something revolutionary, but still they keep their head above average mainstream punk bands these days, with interesting mix of pop punk melodies with more hardcore and even screamo parts and vocals.



09 June 2010

Mladina Kina - Fak your pank

Mladina Kina - Fak your pank, 2008

diy, 2008

(14 tracks, 10min, Cassette~GTpro~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 25MB)

Mladina Kina so mladci iz Dravograda, ki igrajo straight edge hardcore, hiter in agresivni komadi so blizu powerviolence in thrash stilu. Besedila so ekstremno kritična do vsega in vseh, ki ne sledijo totalni alternativi in punk duhu iz dna srca.
Na momente se mi zdi, da v besedilih praktično ne jebejo nikogar, če ni tako diy kot oni in ne počne tega kar oni. Sicer kritizirajo predvsem ukaluplanje, kopiranje oz. fake punk in skate sceno, pa vendar se mi zdi da malce pretiravajo, saj ni nihče tako črn ali bel, kot je mogoče razbrati iz njihovih besedil.

Sicer pa vsak si lahko ustvari svoje mnenje, saj so besedila za vse komade zraven.
Pred kratkim so jih tudi metali ven iz dravograškega kina, kjer so vadili postavljali diy studio in skate rampo. Nevem kako se je zadeva razpletla, upam pa, da so sedaj našli svoj prostor pod soncem.

Skratka super scena, da furajo svoj hardcore, popolnoma diy in underground.
Kratki komadi, polni šusa, zdrvijo mimo v pičlih 10ih minutah.
Posnet imajo tudi 3way split z Vaseline Chilldren in Home Sick Home, ter samostojen CDr z komadi z tega splita.

Za kontakt in muziko pišite na kakega od teh emailov.


Mladina Kina (Cinema Youth) is straight edge hardcore/powerviolence band from Dravograd, Slovenia. They play very short powerful hardcore tracks with intolerance towards anything fake, not honest and unoriginal in lifestyle and music.

The name comes from place (abandoned cinema) where they practiced, skated and recorded their music as well as releasing zine called Kino. I don't know if they are still allowed to use it, since they had some problems with authorities. 
They have also released a 3way split with Croatian Home sick home and Vaseline Children.


01 June 2010

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Pokozlane trate

Center Za Dehumanizacijo - Pokozlane trate, 1996

Front Rock, 1996

(27 tracks, 70min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 163MB)

Pokozlane trate je eden bolj markatnih albumov CZD. Na njem se razvrsti časovnica komadov vse od leta 1986 do 1995.
Tudi te komade zaznamuje močna besedna lirika ki stalno hodi čez rob uglasbljene poezije.
Zvočno gre za prepoznaven CZD slog, punk v katerem je moč slišati tudi sprehode do industriala in novega vala.
Upal bi si trditi, da je projekt Pokozlane trate najmočnejši člen CZD diskografije.


This is CZD's album featuring songs from 1986 to 1995. It is typical CZD sound with poetic lyrics (in Slovene) and punk music that includes industrial and new wawe elements. It is definitely one of their best and most representative work in their large discography collection.

You can find all their other releases on this blog, just use the search function.
CZD - Official

18 May 2010

Ema Camelia - Krakatoa

emaCamelia - Krakatoa, 2009

Czech Republic
Untrust Records, 2009
dark hardcore/emo/screamo

(05 tracks, 36min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 82MB)

Aktualni (drugi) album zelo melodičnega, temačnega in počasnega emo-hardcore banda iz Češke.
Na njem je pet dolgih, skoraj epskih komadov z močnim downtempo trpečim vokalom, ki pa jim mogoče manjka malce raznolikosti.
Tisti, ki ste jih ujeli na dveh koncertih v Pivki ali Ljubljani veste kaj pričakovati, ostali pa pač poslušajte kaj ste zamudili.

Kupite ga lahko z naročilom na: e-mail.


This is very melodic and dark/emo hardcore with raging downtempo vocals from Czech.
Krakatoa is their second and latest release.  It features five long and epic songs.
You may find some similarity to German band Arktika or Japanese Envy.
Worth listening if you are in slow and dark hardcore. You can buy it by asking on their: e-mail.

EmaCamelia official
EmaCamelia MySpace


14 May 2010



diy, 2010
Hardcore (metal/crust/sludge)

(04 tracks, 15min, CD-R~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 35MB)

''IAMDISEASE je nov bend iz goriškega/vipavskega, ki na svoja 'stara' leta preigrava temačen in jezen hardcore z močnimi vplivi metala, crusta in sludga. Dotikajo se temnih strani človekove notranjosti in pošastnosti informacijske družbe, vendar njihovo sporočilo ni predaja in obup, temveč upanje v spremembe na boljše za vse. Bend družijo člani bivših in še vedno delujočih Elodea, Man In the Shadow, Kennybal Smith, A Murder Theory, The Hoax Program, Lowpunch, itd. in je po dobrega pol leta obstoja goden za koncertiranje. Če kdo lahko pomaga, smo dosegljivi na: email ''

Mislim da so fantje vse povedali sami, gre za raztur-HC, izkušenih bendašov. Dodana so besedila z razlago v slovenščini in angleščini, kar je super, sploh dandanes ko so besedila zmeraj bolj zgolj 'tekst'.
Super bi bilo da band nadaljuje z ustvarjanjem in posname še kaj.

Če boste pohiteli pa si na zgoraj navedenem emailu lahko omislite svoj primerek tegale oštevilčenega demota.
Narejenih je bilo le 50 kosov.


This is a newer band, from west Slovenia region, that plays dark and angry hardcore with strong influences in metal, crust and sludge. They refer their lyrics to darker side of human inner self and monstrosity of informational society, nevertheless their voice does not call for surrender or despair, but hope for change for the better.

The band is formed by members from retired and still active bands like: Elodea, Man In the Shadow, Kennybal Smith, A Murder Theory, The Hoax Program, Lowpunch...

After six months they feel ready to play some gigs. If you wanna help them with that, contact for support or anything else write: here

This demo is nicely done in diy style with lyrics and thick printed cdr.
Grab it till it's still available, it's limited to 50 copies only.
This download contains explained lyrics in English and Slovene!



12 May 2010

VA - Nikoli več 98

VA - Nikoli več 98, 1998

Klub Mariborskih Študentov, 1998

(26 tracks, 68min, CD~?~?~Mp3@192kbps, 40MB)

Nikoli več je bil festival na mariborskem koncu. Nevem kolikokrat je bil izveden. V glavnem predpostavljam, da ta kompilacija predstavlja bande, ki so na njem nastopili leta 1998.  Posnetki niso live iz tega festivala.
Na CDju se je zvrstilo  nekaj bolj aktivnih punk bandov iz 90ih.
Redka in dost zanimiva punk kompilacjia.  Če kdo proda, kupim.


This is a rare CD compilation of bands that played on Nikoli več (Never again) festival in 1998.
The recordings are not live and the compilation features more active punk bands from 90's in Slovenia.


10 May 2010

Pogrešana Kvaliteta - Pogrešana Kvaliteta

Pogrešana Kvaliteta - PK 2008


(08 tracks, 13min, CD-R~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 40MB)

Evo to je še drugi album (ep) punkerjev Pogrešana Kvaliteta.
So eni redkih  ki šopajo tak pravi punk in nimajo majspejsov in fejsbukov, ter izdajajo muziko na sodobni kaseti (beri cdr) z fotokopiranimi ovitki. Kar jim preprosto paše (ne da bi jih s tem podcenjeval).

Besedila so punkersko kritična, a niso klišejsko prazna kot kaki novi niet. Priporočam da jih preberete saj zato tudi so!
Njihov prvi album lahko potegnete tu: PK - Novo upanje.
Pišite za muziko in podporo na njihov uradni fan club: pmlacnik@gmail.com, hecni_likalnik@hotmail.com


Pogrešana Kvaliteta (Missing Quality) is one of the last real punk bands in Slovenia. They play fast, record at home and spread music with home made cdrs.
Lyrics are in Slovene and they are critical towards todays apathy and senseless capitalistic 'everyone for himself' living.

Their first album: PK - Novo upanje (New hope)
Contact and support: pmlacnik@gmail.com, hecni_likalnik@hotmail.com 

04 May 2010

Backstage - Director's cut

Backstage - Director's cut (Live), 2007

Kapa Records, 2007
melodic (skate) punk-rock

(15 tracks, 36min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 74MB)

Tu je še ena izdaja Backstage, ki jih vsi poznate, če ne iz samostojnih koncertov, pa gotovo kot predskupino mnogim punk 'zvezdam', ki so igrali v Sloveniji.
Tole je na CD ujet koncert iz 8.9.2006 v Gala Hali na Metelkovi. 

Posnetki so kakovostni in tudi fantje (v še originalni postavi) so dali vse od sebe.
Set pa je odlično zašpinjen z priredbo 'Do what you want' od Bad Religion.
Vredno poslušanja  za vse njihove oboževalce in ljubitelje melodičnega punkrocka.

Tale CD je še navoljo. Kupite in s tem podprite band in založbo Kapa tu: http://www.galahala.com/


This is a live release from one of the best melodic punkrock bands from Slovenia, that played numerous shows and released 2 studio albums before this one.
The show happened at Metelkova venue on 8th of September 2006.

This is their last release before the line change.
Worth checking out if you like melodic (skate) punk-rock.
You can still buy it (along with other Kapa releases) here: http://www.galahala.com/

Backstage MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/backstageband

28 April 2010

Scuffy Dogs - Scuffy Dogs

Scuffy Dogs - self titled (black), 2001

FrontRock, 2001
Punk (ska)

(12 tracks, 30min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 74MB)

Scuffy Dogs so danes že veterani slovenske punk scene, saj njihovi začetki segajo že v leto 1994.
Njihove uradne izdaje so prvi self titled CD, 7inch, split LP z Wasserdicht in drugi self titled, katerega imate pred sabo. Pojavili so se tudi na mnogih kompilacijah in seveda tresli odre doma in v tujini.
Natančnejšo biografijo si preberite na njihovi myspace strani.

Scuffiji igrajo oster punkrock, v katerega sem pa tja vmešajo tudi ska komade.
Ko sem prvič poslušal tale t.i. black album mi ni preveč potegnil, ko sem ga po parih mesecih ponovno vložil v player pa sem užival, kot že dolgo ne, ob malce starejši domači produkciji.
Sicer kratek, a suveren in melodičen punk CD od začetka do konca.

Scuffiji so nedelovali kar nekaj let, umrl pa je tudi basist Ivan Sirk.
Letos pa so napovedali reunion, sicer nevem če tudi comeback.
Koncert v goriški Mostovni se bo zgodil prav danes, na dan te objave, kar je sicer naklučje, ali pa me vodi nevidna sila, ki je prepričala moje nevrone da objavim tale njihov album.
Prvi self titled z mnogo več komadi je dostopen na kar nekaj drugih blogih, split z Wasserdicht pa pride enkrat v prihodnosti.


Scuffy Dogs is a band existing since 1994. They play uncompromised punkrock and sometimes even ska.
They have released 2 full lengths both self titled, 7inch, Lp split with crust/HC Wasserdicht and appeared on various compilations.
They were not very active after this 2001 release, and also their bass player Ivan Sirk passed away in that time.
This year Scuffy Dogs are ready to strike back, well at least live (tonight in Nova Gorica).

Check this CD, it features quality melodic punk. It is nothing extra special, but it's a solid album that you will most likely enjoy.

Scuffy Dogs - MySpace


19 April 2010

TavžntRoža - Sazas Fuck Off

TavžntRoža - Sazas Fuck Off, 2007

diy, 2007

(23 tracks, 52 min, CD-R~iTunes~iTunes7.6~Mp3@VBR, 102MB)

Tavžntroža je sicer precej ogabna žganica, ampak fantje iz Dolenjskih Toplic igrajo garažni punk/rock'n'roll, ki je daleč od neprebavljivega.
Tavžntroža obstaja od 2004 in jo sestavljajo Andrej-kitara/glas,
Stef-bobni in Janez-bas/občasno glas.
Glede na to, da člani igrajo (ali so) še v nekaterih alter. rock/hc zasedbah (Poljska strašila, Corcoras, Necropopcorn..) jim izkušenj gotovo ne manjka, neznanka pa jim niso niti nastopi tako doma kot v tujini.

Sazas Fuck Off je sicer precej dolg album in najbrž je na njemu večina obsotječih posnetkov te skupine. Dolžina tu seveda ni problem, saj Tavžntroža žgejo, od prvega do zadnjega komada, kvaliteten in surov garage punk, kakršnega se ne bi sramovali niti kakšni veliko bolje sproducirani Zeke. Mogoče sam pogrešam kakšne malo bolj melodične dele, ki pa v garage punku itak niso preveč doma.
Komadi so v angleščini in slovenščini, besedila (kolikor se jih da razumeti) pa vsakdanje zajebantska in tudi kritična, kar pove že naslov tega diy albuma.

Neverjamem da si MZ Hektor nabija tole, vi pa le uživajte (pa vseeno previdno če boste poslušali v avtu).


Tavžntroža (1000flowers - strong herbal brandy) is a three piece band from Dolenjske Toplice, playing fast garage/punk since 2004.
Experienced musicians bring you 23 tracks of diy tracks in English and Slovene. Worth checking out if you like Zeke, Puffball or just fast r'n'r punk.

Sazas mentioned in title is a Slovenian monopole copy rights agency that feeds only very well to do artists, when it leaves only crumbs or nothing to smaller independent bands and concert organizers.

TavžntRoža - MySpace


13 April 2010

Melete - Tour Ep + 7inch

Melete - Tour Ep + 7'', 2010

emo/crust HC

(07 tracks, 24 min, CDR~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 58MB)

Melete so prijetno presenečenje domače diy scene.
Posneli so dve izdaji (Tour Ep, '08 in 7inch, '09), ki sta združeni v tretjo, katero imate pred seboj.
Emo inštumentalni deli, mešani z dokaj temačnim post-crust hardcorom so pač nekaj, kar ni vsakdanje na domači sceni. Fantje niso zanemarili niti sporočilnost besedil, kar daje bandu dodaten pečat.

7 inčna plastika, tega dokaj mladega banda, je zapakirana v zelo všečen ovitek z dodano knjižico.
(Knjižica je dodana tudi tejle kombinaciji obeh izdaj).
Kljub temu da niso inštrumentalni virtuzi, je to pravzaprav popolnoma nemoteče in se jim zlahka odpusti, sploh ko iz zvočnikov useka prvi komad 7inča 'Sungaze'.
Čeprav je odlično ideja, da so vse svoje posnetke zapekli na diy cdr, je samostojni 7inch prepričljivejše glasbeno doživetje in se malce oddalji od mirnih čustvenih inštrumentalnih delih, slišanih na Tour Epju.
Konec koncev bil izdan kot samostojni plošček in je ta opazka nepotrebna.

Melete napovedujejo snemanje svojega prvega pravega albuma že ta mesec. Po slišanem, si lahko obetamo novo poslastico domačega HC podzemlja.

Lahko jih podprete, kontaktirate in seveda naročite njihovo muziko z obiskom njihove spletne strani:


Melete is a young band that mixes emo instrumental parts and social melancholy with dark post-crust hardcore with message.
They have released Tour Ep and s/t 7inch in diy style. Both are joined on cdr release that you are looking at.
Powerful and also melodic emotional crustcore is not very often to be heard from Slovenian bands.

The 7inch is a bit more complete experience than both releases together, but that's why it was released separately. Diy cover and booklet of the 7'' are done very well and I recommend you grab it till it's still available.

Contact, support and order their music at their site: http://bizniscore.blogspot.com/

7inch cover art:

30 March 2010

VA - Question of tolerance ?

VA - Question of tolerance ? - International hardcore compilation, 2002

Slovenia, France, Finland, Austria, Italy, USA, Sweden
Subkulturni Azil, 2002

(18 tracks, 41 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 95MB)

Here is another Subkulturni Azil compilation release. This time it features underground HC bands from all over Europe and Spazz from USA.

Definetely not radio friendly stuff, but it captured some interesting symphony of noise, coordinated aggression and power, over cliché sing-along melodies.
Not for fans of Rancid and Fat Wreck Chords.
If you are willing to explore.. enjoy!

15 March 2010

VA - Rokerji Pojejo Pesnike II.

VA - Rokerji Pojejo Pesnike II, 2002

Subkulturni Azil, 2002

(11 tracks, 32 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 89MB)

This is second volume of RPP project. Poetry meets quality music to sum it up in very few words.
Bands and artists on this compilation are: Kvinton, Sleazy Snails, Caddies, CZD, Dr. Zero, Xenia Jus.
The album was recorded live on 6th of December, 2002 at ŠTUK in Maribor.
Read some more about the project at RPP5 description here.

08 March 2010

Strike A Fire - Never Give Up

Strike A Fire - Never Give Up (Ep), 2010

self released, 2010
Hardcore punkrock

(05 tracks, 13 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 31MB)

Young trio from Gornja Radgona (also home town of In-Sane) released this Ep just recently. It's nicely done in diy style with help of Dario from mentioned In-Sane. To be honest you can hear the influence of In-sane all the way.
The ep offers four songs and intro.
Mostly very melodic structured hardcore punk, with kinda slow tempo.
Keeping this tempo and adding more aggressive vocals and sound, they would make a great modern hardcore band in future, probably one of first from Slovenia.
I'm missing inserted lyrics with the release, and I'm not talking about fancy booklet, just photocopied small format list would do the trick.

This is their first more 'serious' release after 'A Gift Or A Problem'- demo from 2006 and lineup change on bass, guitar and vocals. Definitely the band that we can expect some more good music to come from in the near future.
You should show a gesture of support and order this Ep album from the band by contacting: webstore.strikeafire@gmail.com
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/strikeafire

01 March 2010

The Fat Nuns - Ruševine

The Fat Nuns - Ruševine, 1997

Babe Records (s.released), 1997

(13 tracks, 28 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 88MB)

The Fat Nuns was a punk group form Gornja Radngona from East of Slovenia. Their songs have strong message, due to high unemployment level at that area. Social problems people have because of that, are also taken at consider. Their music is energetic, full of power and was at best performed live. In 1991 Leon and Dani meet with old guitar, small amplifier and borrowed mic. In 1992 Rok Prevec-Bula and Branko Vrbnjak-Vrđo joined the band, and that was the first lineup of The Fat Nuns. They even had two F-male back vocalists for a short period of time.
With help of Dušan Hedl they appear on 'Držimo skupaj' compilation and 'Bili ste zraven' publication.
They played live all to 1996 when their singer Branko Kristjan - Vrđo and friend Kristjan Virant - Virđi
passed away in an accident.
After short break, the band was revived when bass player Čegi took over the vocals.

They appeared on No Border Jam 4&5 compilation and released debut full length Ruševine (Ruins)
(with pressing just over 550 pieces) in 1997.
The Fat Nuns exited till 1998, when different views about future of the band were expressed.
So they decided its best to quit than to argue each other.

Album Ruševine is dedicated to Branko Kristjan - Vrđo and Kristjan Virant - Virđi.
I translated the band Bio from their MySpace site. This album is sure one of the best acts of 90's punk scene in Slovenia. Their legacy and influence was aslo pointed out just recently by In-Sane, covering their song Mrtev policaj (Dead cop) on Trust these hands... are worthless album.
If you see it in some second hand store or anywhere else, be sure to add it in your collection.
I've added all the lyrics and album art inside the folder.

Dr. Zero - Dirty Way

Dr. Zero - Dirty way, 2006

Subkulturni Azil, 2006
Garage r'n'r punk

(10 tracks, 28 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 70MB)

''The story begins in 1999 when Robert Breznik (bass guitar), Boris Bezjak (drums) and Miran Perko (vocals, guitar) meet at a point when quite a few bands fall to ruins. That same year, the bands Delaware and Paragraf meet their bitter end. The guys establish there is just enough of them left to form a new band. A rock'n'roll band. Dr. Zero. Their first concert was held at a cultural club Kud Zid na meji, followed by 17 more concerts of which the ones in Ormož (club Unterhund) and Maribor (club Pekarna) are especially worth mentioning. In the summer of 2002 they record their first studio album entitled Dr. Zero. They themselves take care of the production of sound and the cover design of the album. They record the album in a studio known as Studio na meji and it gets released that same year at a record company Subkulturni azil (Subcultural Asylum)...'' read the whole BIO at DrZero MySpace.

Pure garage r'n'r punk-rock from the very North-East of Slovenia. These are both albums from Dr. Zero.
In my opinion second one (Dirty way) is far better than the debut one, well yes progress is to be expected.
But you be the judge for your self.
The band is still around and plays shows here and there.
You can still get both albums by contacting: miran17@gmail.com


Dr. Zero - self titled

Dr. Zero - self titled, 2002

Front Rock, 2002
Garage r'n'r punk

(12 tracks, 30 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 54MB)


22 February 2010

Growing Rats - No More Silence

Growing Rats - No More Silence, 2007

diy; BUM Records, 2007

(09 tracks, 14 min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 40MB)


Growing Rats - Podzemlje (demo), 2005

diy; Shupak Records, 2005

(13 tracks, 27 min, CD~?~wma9.1~WMA@128kbps, 25MB)

''We started in october 2004. At first, there were just 3 members, those were Matic (guitar), Nejc (bass), Ales (drums), who gave the idea to create a band. After couple of months playing together, we needed to complete our sound so we asked around, and soon the 2nd guitar, came by new member Tomaz. Soon we started to write our own songs, because we already had a gig scheduled after only a week of practicing so its obvious how it all sounded. honestly, crap! At first we actually didnt know what we want to play, really. someone wanted to play 3-chord punk, someone fast punk rock, e.g. pennywise, bad religion....and someone hardcore. And hardcore it was...

We also recorded a demo CD in september 2005 and released our CD No More Silence (somewhere between 2007 and 2008 :) ). Our lyrics, are mostly about people..s relations, politics, social and scene problems etc etc. we hope people will support us, and just to mention, we do it for the fun, and not for the money....money sucks, as 4 sivits say!! KKxHC! '' read the complete bio at GR MySpace.

Here you have demo and first album of Krško's HC Growing Rats.
It's a mix of punk, old school and NYHC sounding Hardcore.
As said, critical songs in form of fast short punk/hc. Young band that already broke up and reunited just recently. This is not super great, but the honesty of HC sound is there for sure. If they decide to keep up making music, we can expect only rise of quality and lot of cool punk in the future.
There is also the song JAD, from Tribute to RAZLOG ZA compilation, included in the download.