24 August 2010

UNISON - Pearls Before Swine

Unison - Pearls before swine, 2009

HA-KO bastards , 2009

(05 tracks, 20min, CDr~EAC~Lame~Mp3@320kbps, 45MB)

Unison je utečen in samosvoj hardcore band iz Beograda. Za seboj imajo že kar zavidljivo bero izdaj, samostojnih in dva splita (z/ Senata Fox, Analena).
Band odlikuje tudi očitno obvladanje inštrumentov, kar jim omogoča ustvarjanje edinstvenega in zelo razgibanega hardcore-punka, kateri prestopa tudi v post hardcore mojstrovine, kot naprimer v komadu 'In The Rear View'.

'Pearls before swine' je njihova aktualna izdaja, sicer posneta 2007, zapakirana v preprost, a simpatičen, diy papirnat žepek. Verjetno pa si lahko kmalu obetamo tudi kakšno novo izdajo, saj imajo na myspace strani kar nekaj novih komadov, ki jih seveda lahko tudi poslušate.

Kaj veliko drugega niti nevem, niti ni za reči, kot da gre za zelo zanimiv band z, na prostoru bivše yuge, redko slišanim načinom hardcoriranja. Vsekakor si zaslužijo vašo pozornosti in seveda še bolj, da v svojo zbirko uvrstite tudi kak njihov album!   


Unison is a band from Belgrade, Serbia. They are experienced and technically very strong band.
Their hardcore is of a kind, rarely to be heard here, in countries of ex Yugoslavia.
Many releases and splits testify that Unison is not just another hardcore band, but is worth checking out.

Their hardcore-punk that sometimes follows the way of post hardcore is unique and rich instrumentally.
You might not dig their way of expressing their music, but be sure to check them out, and if you like them buy one of their records released also on vinyl !



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