Pigs Parlament - It's time for sausages, 2010
diy, 2010
(14 tracks, 38min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@192kbps, 53MB)
Evo na dovoljenje oz. prošnjo skupine objavljam najbolj svežo punk izdajo pri nas. Kot vedno, tudi tokrat apel na vas, da album kupite in tako podprete skupino!
Spodaj navajam še kratek opis oz. bio, kot ga je zapisala skupina sama.
''Pigs Parlament so 6 članska skupina, ki prihaja iz Goriških Brd — dežele opojnih trenutkov. Svojo glasbeno pot so začeli v začetku leta 2004. Skupina igra hitri punk rock z udarnim vokalom, ki ga spremljajo melodični backvokali. V njihovih pesmih najdete tudi ska vplive, ki so podkrepljeni s trobento ter udaren hardcore z ženskim vokalom. Za skupino je značilno, da se glavni vokali menjujejo iz pesmi v pesem. Njihov recept: Wine power!
Za seboj imajo že dva demo albuma in sicer iz leta 2004 in 2006. Leta 2009 so sodelovali tudi pri nastanku kompilacije Od Soče do Korna. Tako jim je končno, po 6 letih ustvarjanja, letos uspelo posneti in izdati prvenec »It's time for sausages«. Na albumu lahko najdete 14 zelo različnih skladb, med katerimi so tudi dve priredbi: Hej brigade in Let's twist again. Kot zanimivost, so pesem Hej brigade posneli v sodelovanju s pevskim zborom in malim orkestrom, kar pesem zelo popestri. Na cd-ju lahko opazite zelo različne stile glasbe; od regija, ska-ja, punka, hardcora do celo thrash in heavy metal vložkov. Kot zanimivost, so fantje in punca posneli tudi pesem u italijanskem jeziku. Nakup cd-ja vam zelo priporočamo.''
I used the bands own description/bio. If you like it, please buy the CD.
''Pigs parlament, a band of six members, was formed in the winter of 2004. Their homeland is a small and picturesque region in western Slovenia, called Goriška Brda, a land of (full of intoxicating moments/substances.
They play a quick and energetic punk rock with a strong main male vocal supported by melodic back vocals. In their songs is also possible to find ska influences supported by the melodic sound of the trumpet and energetic hardcore female vocal. One of the many characteristics of the band is the changing of the main vocal from song to song. Their recipe: Wine power!
They accomplished to produce two demo albums in 2004 and 2006. In 2009 the band took active part in the making of the compilation Od Soče do Korna (From Soča to Korn). In the end, in May 2010, the boys and girl managed to produce their first album “It’s time for sausages”. The content of the album consists of 14 very different songs, two of which are (arrangemenst/covers) adaptations; Hej brigade and Let’s twist again. The particularity of Hej brigade is the variegation to which contributed the collaboration with a smaller choir and orchestra. On the album is possible to feel many different genres of music: from ska to punk, hardcore and even thrash and heavy metal riffs. The boys and girl have also recorded a song in Italian. If you are eager to hear some quality punk rock music, we strongly recommend you the purchase of their new album.''
Pigs Parlament MySpace