26 August 2012
Birds In Row - You, Me, and The Violence
Birds In Row - You, Me, and The Violence, 2012
Deathwish Inc. (DW137v), 2012
(12 tracks, 36min, digital download@320kbps, 83,6MB)
Izredno zanimiv trio iz Francije, katerega je pred približno letom dni po dobro sprejetem albumu Cottbus, pod svoje peruti sprejela za hardcorovce houli grejl založba, Deathwish.
Pred LPjem Cotbuss so izdali še Rise of the Phoenix 7" in pred kratkim sta bili obe izdaji združeni na vinilki pod imenom Collected za več založb (Vitriol, Deathwish.. ).
Zanimiva ritmika, velika teža na basu, impresiven vokal in samosvoja melodičnost komadov so Birds In Row že po prvem naključnem poslušanju povzdignili v enega mojih najljubših aktivnih bandov.
Čeprav je You, Me, and The Violence odličen album, za moje pojme originalnosti in (širše prezrte?) veličine Cottbus (enostanskega) LPja, ne preseže.
Žal vam je lahko tudi koncerta v postonjskem MCju kakšno leto nazaj, ako ste ga spregledali. Definitivno band, ki te v živo ne pusti hladnega. Kljub feršterkejem do konca, sta čistost zvoka in stopnjevanje vzdušja do takrat zadnje zaigranega komada 'A Kid Called Dreamer', pustila pri meni pečat enega najboljših koncertov ever, skratka poslastica za ušesne brbončice (hmmm.. :p).
Prednaročila na Deathwish strani že šibajo. Na voljo bo Vinil v treh barvah, CD in Digital download. Priporočam.
What to say about Birds In Row from France if you haven't head them yet? I don't know really how to describe them, better to say, I'm to lazy.
I think it's one of the best active hardcore bands out there. Powerful bass oriented melodic HC with turns to slow parts and raging vocals makes them stand out in a special way. The best way to check out what I'm talking about is to listen their discography from first to the last release. I really advice you to check out their Collected LP, which is debut Rise of the Phoenix 7" and Cottbus single-sided Lp pressed in wax on one single release. In my humble opinion Cottbus stays their best work and one of the best hardcore records in last years even though You, Me, and The Violence is a great album and a must have. Also don't skip on their show if you have a chance to see them play live.
Pre-orders are up at Deathwish e-store..
Vitriol Bandcamp (Collected LP)
Deathwish (Birds In Row)
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