TRDOŽIVI - Kamen spotike (Ep), 2008
Diy, 2008
(6tracks, 13min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@V0, 24MB)
Band Trdoživi comes from Rihemberk, near Nova Gorica. Boys (Boštjan, Miha, Klavdijo) were swimming in punk rock long before Trdoživi formed, in late 2003.
On this Ep they play uncompromised and very organic Hc/Punk. Solid fast five tracks (+1 more Metal-H.Rock) spiced with lyrics about local and personal life in small Rihemberk community. Pure punk without fancy cosmetics shows its real face on this album.
You can also GET your numbered copy by asking here:
Zanimivo Štorijo (BIO) skupine si lahko preberete TUKAJ.
Nekaj citatov iz Štorije:
''Ime benda Trdoživi ni bilo izbrano po naključju, saj zanj obstaja vrsta razlogov, ki izhajajo predvsem iz zgodovine članov benda.''
''Trdoživi so veliki lokal partioti ter tradicionalisti, tako da se teme največkrat vrtijo okrog domačega družbenega dogajanja. Posebej radi črpajo iz zgodovine kraja, v katerem živijo.''
''Glede ne to, de je pristen punk prisoten v Rihemberku že od najstarejših časov, se Trdoživi temu niso mogli izogniti. Problem je le v tem, da je punk urbana muzika, ki največkrat opeva usrano življenje na ulici, v Rihemberku pa obstaja samo ena cesta skozi vas, pa še tam ni življenje posebej usrano.''
Več o Rihemberški sceni pa si preberite tukaj.
30 March 2009
TRDOŽIVI - Kamen spotike
25 March 2009
Message Sent - No Regrets (Demo)
Message Sent - No Regrets (Demo), 2006
Diy, 2006
Melodic Punk Rock
(7tracks, 27min, CD~EAC~Lame~Mp3@VO, 51MB)
Message Sent is a 4 member punk rock group from Ljubljana. They are active from 2005 (Before they were called PMS, with different singer). Boys play melodic punk rock, in style of new punk bands rising in late 90s (No use for a name, Rise against..).
They are recording the first full length album, planned to be released sometime in summer 2009. It is very promising, if judging by demo, I only hope boys will not ruin it by trying to be over melodic and whining..
You can check their MySpace page for more info and contact. Demo is also available there (in lower bit rate -128)
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